61. December 2009
This blog has been overwhelmingly quiet; neglected. December has always been a busy month. In the weeks that has gone by, I celebrated the soldier's birthday (along with many other December-babies), survived my mid-term tests, met up with some friends (not as many as I'd love to) and had a full-fledge Birthday Party.
I never got around to jolt down on this little cyber "diary" of mine the events that took place during the birthday and the party, but if I read this entry years later and forget why it's the best birthday party of 2009, I must be stupid.
♥ ♥ ♥
& really, I'm not showing off. HELL YEAH I AM.
This is what you get for having an utterly creative and artistic boyfriend (not to mention wickedly good at giving surprises, too).
Never one to be mooshy mushy but never one to be wishy washy either;
so thank you for letting me live my dream of life full of laughter.
I ♥ you very much yo.
59. Rainbow in a syringe.
58. My House!
57. Three Words For My Boyfriend.
56. Re-connecting.
Upon reading this "forewarning", it would be wise to clear the path and steer out my wrath.
But nooo, somebody just had to do a dance on my last nerve. I'm surprised I was able to bite my tongue and hold back the things I was dying to say. I know my anger often reveals me as a spoilt, insensitive 'bitch' who's best at shooting people down with angry words (half of which are brutal honesty, the other half are, of course, a figment of my imagination) and often, when I read the entries in retrospect, I feel I'd somehow over-reacted and the situation then seemed very much more amusing than it actually seemed when emotions were clouding my judgement.
Whew. All that in one breath. And if I'd actually built the suspense unintentionally, I apologize for I am not revealing the trigger factor of my anger. Let's just chalk it up to a "bad day" and consider it the last
Stars. Ha! I feel like making those little Ninja throw-knives and use them on you instead. Ahhh, the joys of being a door-mat.
Keep calm & carry on.
Yes, disconnected. Especially with Mister JD aka Boyfriend. 26 days in some ulu desert in Australia with poor reception and whatever coverage. We can't even enjoy a decent 5 minute phonecall without either one of us hollering into the phone after a minute or two cause of the poor reception. Oh did I already mention poor reception?
Apart from being 'disconnected' from him, there's also the friends cause I'm always on the ball - running off to work and whatnots but, on a lighter note, I'm making progression and have been catching up with friends. "Awesome" -Nic
I had Dane for lunch (deliberate pun) and Hazel & Twins for dinner (dinner comprised of bread & sushi actually), throw in a tear-jerking movie - perfecto.
Our "60-minute Extreme Lunch date" as he calls it; complete with Ice Kacang and Camwhoring.
Ha! Judging from this one shot, you'd be able to guess without a doubt who edited these pictures!
...& a mini-me!!! Now, I've always wanted one of this!
Next on the meet-up list: Gloria & Denise and Nart.
Meanwhile it's still work, school, work and counting down to Mister JD's return.
I just opened the room door to let the cat out and the gush of nice, air-condition-cooled air rushed out and tickled my nose with a very pleasant scent of Glades green tea; thanks to Nic. and I guess that would make a nice epilogue to today's entry. gnight.
55. Officially missing you, Ng Junda.
53. Second Best.
As long as I don't think about it, I feel okay.
I'll be back with a happier entry tomorrow because this aside, there are happier events.
52. 想太多
“ 他霸占了你的心中属于我的角落。”
Chinese love songs are so poignant.
51. Bike rides in the rain.
I love it when you make me laugh while riding in the rain.
50. Last paper. Asking too much. 2nd place.
Yet another cryptic entry because there's too much to lose when I try to be totally open and honest. So, this entry serves as a prelude to my (hopefully) last paper. I have a sickening feeling there's a supplementary Micro paper with my name on it though.
Last paper...then what? Work, work, work. However I'm determined not to let work suck the fun out of my month-long holiday this time. Must fulfill my promise to meet up before my friends start severing ties with me.
"It is a sad fact that regardless of effort or talent - second place only means that you are first in a long line of losers."
First or second? If choking on your reply is of any indication, I think I know the answer.
49. My "Mian Yang".
I was brewing up one helluva storm here...until someone went to spoil it.
Argh! I'm in love, all over again.
48. Lecturers need to undergo "Behaviour Modification".
Bulldozed into the examination room this afternoon, thought I was late (not knowing I was merely 2 minutes past reading time). All you could hear was silence and the occasional rustle of crisp, freshly printed papers. I sat down, picked up the pen and furiously started scribbling my admin number unto the paper and then,
I literally jumped in my seat. Had I not been shocked into gripping my pen so tightly, I would've sent it flying into someone's eyes.
For the record, I didn't hear you say "No writing" because I wasn't in the room YET, Mr Dickhead-Lecturer.
There, I feel better now. Not. Jealousy left a bad taste in my mouth.
46. Craps, crab cravings.
Sawatdee CRAB (Khrab)!
"In life we have dreams; in dreams we have fantasies. In reality...I just flunked my Microecons paper and I have a sudden, intense craving for Black Pepper Crab. While we're at it, let's throw in Salted Egg Yolk Prawns too."
Yours Truly.
45. Every little thing you do.
Rides to school and rides to work. Mt Faber and Labrador Park. R6 and XL. E-mails and snail mails. Lunch visits and Soldiers in Smart 4. Hugs and kisses. Surprises, surprises, surprises. You.
These are some of my favourite things.
I cried buckets during the movie UP but it was such a sweet plot! First it got me yearning for a kind of 'forever', then it got me missing my dad. And it didn't help that I'm a sucker for sappy Disney movies. In anycase, I ♥ both the movie and the company, especially the person seated on my right.
"You seem interesting...and I'm taught to cultivate my interest."
...& you took all the "interest" out of me the minute those words left your mouth.
44. Feelings.
& watch the goddamn spiders spin webs of lies.
I do have something to say, more than one. Lots of things in fact; but they're all in my head. Somehow, I find myself on the brink of the worst type of feelings.
Can't. Let. It. Out.
I've nothing to my name but a little yearning. Maybe speech and writing is not the best way for me to communicate my feelings.
I'm too much for you to handle. You don't know shit.
43. 疼你的責任
愛得瞭解包容 才算愛得完整
42. Gloom doom.
Yesterday my satisfaction AND happiness percentage was 100% when the boyfriend showed up unexpectedly. Today it plummeted to rock bottoms cos not only is he still unwell, but chances of seeing him are slim. And I'm dreading that he has to book in and be on duty the day after tomorrow; which means I won't get to see him until after two weeks...which happens to be my examinations week.
I've never been a particularly 'clingy' girlfriend, but this isn't asking too much, is it.
41. Satiated.
Magnolia Oat Milk. Checked.
Koi's Ovaltine Flavoured Bubble Tea. Checked.
You know how those characters on Sims have their happiness and satisfaction level measured in percentage? My satisfaction percentage is now 50% cos two of my cravings have been satisfied (by Passion, no less), now we're just one boyfriend short of 100%.
Maybe I don't have H1N1 afterall. Maybe it's lovesickness!
40. Quarantine craves and raves.
The big joke has ceased being funny. I think this whole 'home quarantine' thing is getting into me, driving me up the wall and will sooner be the cause of my death than the illness itself. And the whole irony of me "resting" at home are get-well messages like this: "Hey Bell, drink lots of water ok? Get well soon! Rest well~ Oh & by the way, you have to do this..& this...& that..& that that THAT."
Ho hum.
Hmmm. Okayy, it actually isn't quite that big of a deal but it sucks to want/need something but you can't just slip into your flip-flops and head down to the convenience store downstairs to get it.
Like this.
Or this. (The ovaltine-flavoured one is to-die for!)
It sucks that the only source of fresh air you can get is by sticking your head out the window. It sucks when your fellow 'comrade' has to shoulder everything upon herself now that she has to work your share as well. It sucks even more that the boyfriend is discharged and home recuperating but you're milesss away and can't even indulge in a session of skype with him.
And there's only this much of activities you can do around the house without letting the fever aches get to you. I'm fast becoming a facebook addict and maniac blogger. This is what, my third entry in less than 24 hours?
That's a record. I haven't done that since Sec 2.
39. Nobody beats you.
I'm feeling bad,
For upsetting you.
I'm overwhelmed with sorrow;
If you can't forgive me today,
May I hope for tomorrow?
I want nobody, nobody but you.
♥ you, Mister Junda Ng.
38. I should be so lucky.
First it starts with fever, then sore throat. So I went to the doctor's and got some medication and thought I'll be in the pink of health again before long. But nooo, fever came and went, to a point I couldn't stand it any longer, I went to the doctor's again only to be determined that I have H1N1 (early stage, so hold unto to your seat, don't go scurrying to your family doctor just cos I last said 'Hi' to you yo). The flu swipe/swap hurts like a bitch!!! Imagine pushing a stick the length of a regular satay stick up and into your nose by force!?! And then wait for the results.
*Tweedle thumbs*
*Cough cough*
*Send out farewell notes*
I thought the 15 minutes wait was agonizing enough, that is, until I heard the total amount. I literally winced upon hearing the amount due. Solid. Don't need to eat good food for the next few weeks to come already. Hence the title: "Eat grass & cardboard".
Buy Toto or 4D also not so lucky LAH!!!
I hear the birds chirping and buses and cars going by. And I'm up at this ungodly hour squeezing my throbbing brain dry just to come up with two decent (we're not even talking bout 'A' grade quality) essays for Microecons. And to give morning calls to Passion and Kelvin who were nice enough to stay up and accompany/help me. Oh my god. Five days of isolation at home. No work, no money. No boyfriend, no honey. Hahahahaha! That was said in the spur of the moment but alas, isolation or not, the boyfriend aka sick bird's still hospitalized under observation anyway. Crossing my fingers hoping it's nothing serious yo. :(
Get well soon, to us both, with love.
37. All hail oat milk!
On a not-so-happy note, the boyfriend's running a temperature & I'm all the way in school. Not that I can be of any help but ugh. I wish I was a nurse.
I'm screwed for Microecons. Die, die, die.
36. Swing Swing
Work is hot hot heat & blistered feet.
& mini waterfall of perspiration down my cleavage.
Bearable work is blasting The All Amercian Rejects on the speaker & sneaking away to blog.
Did you think that I would cry
On the phone?
Do you know what it feels like
Being alone?
I'll find someone new
Swing, swing, swing
From the tangles of
My heart is crushed
By a former love
Can you help me find a way
To carry on again?
35. Aching feet.
The restaurant has been experiencing a tremendous influx of guests, thanks to the "Power of Media & Marketing". And typical Singaporean If-it-appeared-on-tv-then-I-must-try-or-risk-losing-face kiasu-ness.*
*Model Example: Typical 'cheapskate' family who dined at the restaurant last night. " You could be so lucky, lucky, lucky, luckyyy~!" Considering how other guests had to call not one, but two days in advance to make a reservation; you had us squeezing you in whereupon we could've easily turned up our nose and turned you away.
To make things worse, you vile old witch, you insulted us by asking if we serve RICE. Hello aunty, do we look like the "Tze Char" stall at newton circus hawker centre? And despite all my recommendations, you insists on having the simplest no-brainer items from the kid's menu. -.- Like? Fish 'n' Chips. And you stinge on starter and dessert. ONE bowl of soup to be shared among FOUR people?! Even the equation disgusts me as I type it out. And I suppose the food wasn't enough for you cos it took you HALF a fish to realize that it was oh-too-salty and had us replace a whole new slab of snapper for you.
And you still had the cheek to play haughty by complaining about the "poor service". To think I bestowed upon you my sweetest smile all along and made sure your water glasses was topped up and you were comfortable. ARGH. Poor service is dumping a whole jug of icy cold water onto your husband's lap so his family 'heirloom' aka balls can experience the wonders of Antarctica when you complained it was too hot yes.
I can take constructive criticism, but only if it justifies and in your case, cheapskatesss, it doesn't.
Over just one weekend, I broke my nail (never mind what remains of the 'manicure'), scalded my hand, suffered outbreaks, washed enough plates and utensils to cater for half of Africa and ran to and fro sooo much, the arch of my feet hurts. And poor Cherlyn has to go through that for consecutive 3 - 4 days. I take my hat off to you yo.
I hope business remains this good and not what you'd call a "one-off" thing. But we need more staff. Right now we're biting off more than we can chew.
All mine.
Helmet on the left? Mine.
Helmet on the right belongs to soldier;
Soldier = mine.
So ultimately mine.
What logic right. (:
34. This boy's mine, so is the helmet.
In the few days that I was gone from the cyberworld, I:
- Spent time with someone I ♥ .
- Got a spanking beautiful new helmet. (mine, mine, mine! woot~)
- Painted both my finger and toe nails.
- Dyed my hair a deep shade of Burgundy.
Point 1 & 2 fills me with happiness that threatens to ooze from my pores. Point 3 leaves me almost close to disgust cos of the poor "paint job" and Point 4....argh. I'm not particularly thrilled about Point 4.
From a supposed Redhead, I became "carrot-top" which in turn made me look no different from the 'Ah Lian' sitting next to me at the bus stop and now I'm a Blackhead. No, that doesn't sound quite right. Different connotations yo. What I'm saying is that my hair is just that inch away from being Jet Black. I might wake up and scream at the sight of myself in the mirror tomorrow morning. It needs much getting used to.
I miss my Black micro fibre cloth. :(
Carelessness led to me scouting the whole of Tampines Mall only to be stuck with a ugly maroon cloth that is of a 'sub-standard' (in my opinion) compared to the initial one I had.
I don't even know where or when it fell out!
33. Lunch w Soldier.
I have, I have, I have!!!
I can die happy now.
Eventhough the food was bland & your 'hor fun' sucked.
32. Shopping for office wear.
Puntuality has never been my virtue but today was the ultimatum. I broke the record with an atrocious (not 5 seconds nor 5 minutes) 5 hours late record. Hahaha! Terrible + horrible + hopelessness. My conscience is gnawing at me, yes. Especially when the shopping partner waited without so much more than a "Your babe is pissy" comment and so patiently picked out clothes for me and played lackey by carrying my bags, purchases and whatnots while I try on clothes.
Shopping for office wear is sucha choreee. The top is perfect, then we can't find the bottom, then we found the perfect bottom but the top just doesn't go. Argh! After much deliberation, we decided on pants cos all the cookie-cutter girls will be in skirts, no? I don't want to look like a product of mass production. Eventhough I know someone prefers me in skirts.
Why must there be a certain "conduct" of dressing/dress code for office, presentations and all that jabberwocky? Shouldn't our dressing reflect our personality? I don't particularly fancy formal office wear yo. Maybe only during sex. Hahahaha!
Oh, and we ended up with purchases that we should never have laid our eyes upon.
(Blogger's eating up the pictures so no photos!)
3 more days to Wednesday.
I grow to miss you more & more.
& then I'll need you more & more.
Not good yo.
31. 700 minutes to write 2000 words.
That gibberish was derived from two separate issues; a new 700 minutes free talk-time plan and a 2000 word essay due...later today.
They're a part of the list, things that I miss
Things like your funny little laugh
The way you smile, or the way we kiss
I really, really miss that someone.
"Damn you, H1N1! I totally, absolutely hate, hate, hate you!!!"
30. 洋葱
你会发现 你会讶异
你是我 最压抑
你会鼻酸 你会流泪
只要你能 听到我
I like this song. I think I understand the lyrics but I don't really. Can someone please explain?
29. Transformers no more.
27. Love Hurts. - Nazareth
I'm so pissed now.
I feel like kicking you till your guts spill out.
I feel like screaming till your ear drums burst.
I feel like punching you till my knuckles bleed.
I feel like doing all the above but I know I won't, the minute you apologize.
I'm young, I know,
But even so
I know a thing, or two
I learned, from you
I really learned a lot,
Really learned a lot
I know it isn't true,
I know it isn't true
Love is just a lie,
Made to make you blue
On another note,
Happy Father's Day.
26. 3.5 hours of sleep actually.
I have a lot to write tonight and I'm gonna try to do it in turbo-speed (while I guzzle home-made barley) and press 'Publish' cos I want my beauty sleep and if I don't get it down now, I never will. Already as it is, half of what I'd wanted to say earlier had already been forgotten soon as I got off the phone.
Disclaimer: I only had 3 hours of sleep last night so whatever I say here shall not be allowed to be held against me. If I say anything out of turd, we'll blame it on the lack of sleep.
So I'd went to work (looking really hideous) with the hope that dinner might not be too busy so I can get an earlier "dismissal" but oh boy, was I ever wrong. About both going home early and the not-so-busy dinner, but they complement each other so it's natural the latter happens as a result of the former and bla bla bla, I'm mega confusing myself.
Lazy Lunch.
Lunch was really slow and lazy and the heat, oh god. Kill me. Almost killed me. The restaurant is made up of mostly glass. It feels like a greenhouse in the afternoon. I feel like a bloody cabbage in a greenhouse in the afternoon. Every afternoon when the sun is hot in the sky just like a giant spotlight..haha. I got distracted. No, I don't like that song by Lenka. I was so bored today and the heat made us so...sluggish, I sat in the restaurant and started snapping away on my phone (camera's 3.2 mega pixel but the pictures are LOUSY by the way). Lyn was so upset she abandoned me to camwhore alone. :(
This was the best warning she gave me before she started crying her eyes out. Tell me, DOES THIS EVEN LOOK LIKE A WARNING?! And all I could do was prance around singing "Nan Ren Bu Gai Rang Nu Ren Liu Lei" and throwing tissue in her direction. Direct translation: Er, guys should never ever let the ladies cry(?) I know, ching-chong pom-pi-pi.
The high point of today:
A 10-DAY OLD BABY SHITZ TZU! It was so absolutely-freaking-adorably-cuddly-CUTE and NO BIGGER than an average guy's hand!!! I didn't even dare to breathe, let alone touch it cos it looked so fragile!
All that gushing and googoo-gaga-ing and I actually forgot to ask for its name but nevermind, last I heard, 'he', along with his mommy will be attending the wedding that's scheduled to be held at my restaurant! Yay!
The Lonely Baby Humming Bird.
Just outside my restaurant! Barely a few days old and it's already more famous than Susan Boyle. Okayy, not true but hey, there were hordes of photographers crowding around it this morning with their bazooka-sized lens just to get a shot of it okayy!
The low point that made me really :(
You probably can't see (told you the picture quality's lousy), but I actually drew a line on the white faux leather of my phone pouch. Ouch. Rhymes eh. Pouch ouch. I have it in me to be a poet! Yes, that deceivingly innocent-looking purple pen IS the culprit. Hmpf!
The best weekend so far. ♥
Hello, Henderson Waves for the first time!
The endless
road ahead.
Resembles the
Great Wall of China right.
Me, after the walk.
Mr Income Tax, after the walk.
It all bores down to good stamina...
or just plain bullshit.
24. On Dooodolls.
Merely first day into my two-week holidays and I'm already dreading the end of it. Two weeks ain't enough!!! Put aside the occasional complaints, life's been good if you ask. I saw the girls, whom I christened 'My Wondergirls' (since I got my sexy, suave red phone!) last night and boy, did the twins bring the house down with their squeals! Some things never change, agree?
This holiday was supposed to be all about work but aye, poor business has resulted in me getting less shifts at the restaurant, which in another sense is actually working towards my benefit cos I can finally take a guilt-free sabbatical leave! :D
Not only do I have a well-balanced schedule of work, projects, exercise and meet-ups, I even have lazy days ahead where I can wake up when the sun goes down and take a leisurely walk to the library & spend the rest of the day book-hunting. And when you thought things just can't get any better; it's the 'Double Books' time of the year at the library! Woohoo! Eight books at one go! I know I sound like a nerd but I JUST CANNOT CONTAIN MY EXCITEMENT!!! :D
On another note, I hate Stuffed Toys. Or Soft Toys, especially Teddy Bears. I once cut up a Teddy Bear an ignorant ex-boyfriend got for me. No idea what stuffed toys are? Just look at Hazel and Cherlyn's bedroom. PERFECT EXHIBITS. I call it 'Dust-mite Paradise'.
I love, love, love these. They're so ugly to the point of being adorable. I really can't bring myself to say this (Lyn, I can see you smirking away!) but... I ACTUALLY FOUND MYSELF WANTING ONE OF THESE. Gulp. After all that is said, I still hate stuffed toys, really.
Find your favourite Dooodolls. (:
As I'm typing this, my stomach's rumbling, my eyes hurt from the fan blasting in my face, Kho Tyty's busy catching my earphone and I'm missing nobody, nobody but you! Haha, peace out yo. Sidney Sheldon's beckoning!
23. Missy Tyty's 1st Birthday!
There are at least 8 people I know whose birthday falls during the month of May. And mostly people I hold dear to my heart, too. Oh, my poor bank. First Ee ee, then Cheryl, then the TWINS, then Nart and last of the lot, my most precious baby girl's 1st today! :D
(pronounced "Tai Tai") And boy, does she live up to the name.
I'm currently madly infatuated with David Ford. (:
& thanks to Nart, I'm finally getting a mp3 player!
On a totally unrelated note, if there's anyone I want as my boyfriend, it'll be none other than this absolutely lovable japanese boy and you will agree with me after watching this video.