
69. GDP = Great Depression Pusher


[n] having one husband at a time

I didn't know there was a word for that! I thought Monogamy applies across the board for both sexes. Ha!

In any case, I figured memories (esp happy ones) have to go down in record (somewhere) so what better place than on an online journal? Unless blogger goes bust one day and closes down, taking along all our journal entries; or something greater and more vicious than the feared Y2K bug eats up all cyber connection and cuts us away from this wonderful creation...I think this cyber-journal should be a safe and ideal place to chronicle my self-deemed 'life-changing' events.


On a totally unrelated note, I suddenly recall a particular event that never fails to let me experience the bliss of being in love all over again and sticking by my belief of "Never missing an opportunity to tell someone how much you love and appreciate them", I suppose this long overdue 'after action review' is better late than never.

Mr JD:
Recalling our '100th day' mini celebration, I loved the part where you presented me with an empty bouquet made from scrap pieces of baking paper look-alike most. No doubt waking up to breakfast in bed and himalayan tea latte and carrying my first bouquet of Calla Lilies was one of the best feelings in the world. And it holds so much more meaning only because it's from you.

The past 9 months have been rather tumultuous for both us. Stressful, yes. Trying, yes. Emotionally draining, yes. But we've had our share of happy times and if I were to put it on a scale to measure 'Happy vs Unhappy' moments, I'd proudly say the scale would tip towards the 'Happy' moments.

Alike every relationship, ours wasn't smooth sailing like the Himalayan snow caps (I've never been there so it could be filled with potholes for all we know). We have our own idea and "standards" of perfection and sometimes in the process of finding that "perfection" molded by our individual expectations, we overlook the attraction of our differences that got us both together in the first place.

In the midst of anger and frustration, we wear our defenses high and words being our only weapon to defend our pride, may unknowingly hurt each other and cast the shadow of doubt in us and put a dent in our faith. Judging from our last conversation, the feeling of dejection was strong enough to keep my thoughts straying and awake at this ungodly hour. I don't deny thinking about our constant bickering occurring from our differences and despite it being taxing and putting everything I ever believed in on the line - Between walking away and giving it another shot, I'd choose the latter. (: Plus, it helps that I cast all unhappy memories and differences out the window whenever you're in close proximity.

That said, I love you, differences and all. It seems almost impossible but Alice in Wonderland believed in as many as six impossible things before breakfast; I believe in just one. And that's not impossible!

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