
95. March into March.


March came pre-packed with the dreaded exams but in every "horrible" gift, there's always something nice. Likewise in every person. I resolve to see the good in everyone until I'm shown the bad, that's a good movement, right?

It has been one helluva busy 2 months of the new year for me and so many things have happened! Some bad, mostly good. I wish I could share it with you. It really sucks that I can't pick up the phone and tell you about my life and plans like how I'm going to intern at a prestigious fine-dining restaurant, and that I'm finally going to learn bike-riding and hopefully get my license by the end of the year! There's just SO MANY things I want to share with you, knowing YOU of all people, will be so damn happy and proud of me. I've been pushing thoughts of you to the back of my mind for fear of breaking down when I think of you. You've taught me to be a strong, independent person and I've always thought I am too until lately it seems I'm just good at deceiving myself.

But, this March, I'm setting aside some time for friends, myself and you. We'll re-visit those wonderful memories of us that I've denied myself for so long and then I can give in and have myself a good, long cry. I'll never stop missing you but I can come to terms with your death. I need to. It is 'March' after all, it's the month for 'Marching forward'. Yes, I made that up but it does make a good reason for me to start.

Till then, I love you so, so, so much Papa, don't you forget.

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