
119. The healing process

I'd thought I'd made a mistake. A mistake to love you and over-invest in this relationship; but you were out to prove me wrong and you told me only time will tell and you will prove your worth.

In the days that have passed since the unforgettable 22nd February 2014 (which is also the birth date of my first nephew so it's really hard to forget), I have suffered several recurring heartbreaks, crying fest and volatile outbursts. Some alone, most with you by my side, holding me tight and kissing my tears away.

I read online that "A relationship that starts at the peak with an all-consuming passion has a higher risk of burning out quickly. It is the relationship that starts on a strong foundation of moderate love, mutual respect, shared beliefs and tolerance that has a greater potential of growing better each day..."  and ours is the perfect example of the latter - we didn't have the "passion" like that of a love affair. In fact, it felt almost (sadly) like an arrange matrimony; an arrangement forced by me (haha!). I was so eager to love you and your response, well, lukewarm, kindly put. Along the way, we "rised up the ranks" to become one of the sweetest and most loving couple, something I never thought we would but thanked God everyday that we did.

The healing process hasn't been and isn't going to be an easy one but you're doing a fine job baby. Thank you.

PS. Got my first breakfast made by you today.